No doubt, we live in a time of great change, whether someone likes it or not.

It is a chance for everyone to change their life. This transformation can be gentle when we take action, or it can be less fluid and even painful.

The energies flowing from the planetary systems, very intense recently, additionally influence every person, even force them to take action. It is a time of choice that will affect the rest of your life, a choice almost like Neo had, a choice of red or blue pills. If someone has just noticed that their life is not what they dreamed of, these changes are even more difficult for them.

If, on the other hand, you listen to your intuition, this process is much easier.

Each of us can also ask our Higher Self or own guides from the Akashic Records for advice, where previous, present, and possible future events in life are recorded.

Some psychics define the duration of changes as about 3-4 years, so everyone has a chance to make changes in their life, either private or professional.

In my opinion, we can shape our future by taking action, every single choice opens up new possibilities, a kind of network of connections between neurons in the brain, when each new connection opens up, new possibilities for our brain and us for growth.

An exception to the above is life lessons, that is, events that we have to work through.

Do you have any recurring/repeating events? These can be your life lessons to work through.

Each difficulty can be an opportunity to change, to make progress, and develop your skills.

What I wish everyone reading this post.